Appreciative Leadership

"The world has changed. Approaches to leadership that served well in the past do not address the challenges of the 21st century. We have crossed a threshold to a new era: one that demands a radical shift in leadership strategies and practices. To meet this challenge, leadership now must respond to new trends currently defining the social milieu of organizations and communities.

They call for Appreciative Leadership.”

New generations have come of age.
People want to be involved in the decisions that affect them and to be acknowledged for a job well done.

Diversity is the norm.
Organizations and communities are no longer homogeneous. People in today’s organizations want leadership to be collaborative and just.

Holistic, sustainable approaches are essential.
The most pressing challenges of our time are global in nature. They cannot be resolved by one person or one business. They require unprecedented appreciation of differences and collaboration. They call for Appreciative Leadership.

Institutions are being reinvented.
They are more fluid and more agile. In them, distributed leadership and power emerges as people self-organize to meet the needs of the whole.

Who Should Attend?

This program will benefit anyone in a senior leadership role who wants to get more out of their team or organization. Participants can expect to leave the program not only aware of the possibilities of the appreciative leadership approach but also with an enhanced sense of their own and their team’s possibilities. It is expected that participants will be able to use the appreciative leadership skills to immediately impact performance at the workplace.

This is an experiential learning workshop that includes:
    • Building strength-based skills and competencies;
    • Action-learning Appreciative Inquiry training targeted at Senior Managers and Senior Leaders who want to sharpen and advance their leadership inquiry skills to become more effective leaders;
    • Compelling mix of presentations and experiential activities, each step building your knowledge and skills; and
    • Applying the tools and concepts to case studies and your own real-life work issues.
    • This means your skills will improve fast, enabling you to put your learning to good use immediately.
Key modules include:

The Wisdom of Inquiry:
Leading with Positively Powerful Questions

The Art of Illumination:
Bringing out the Best of People and Situations

The Courage of Inspiration:
Awakening the Creative Spirit

The Genius of Inclusion:
Engaging with People to Co-create the Future

The Path of Integrity:
Making Choices for the Good of the Whole

Participants will learn to…
  • Apply the principles of Appreciative Leadership for lasting impact.
  • Enhance your repertoire of leadership skills with new and powerful techniques that will transform teams.
  • Advance your organization’s initiative by aligning at a personal level and at an organizational level with purpose and principles
What Past Participants Say...

“We start to look at our employees differently, after attending this program. We now start to build on employees’ strengths instead of identifying their weaknesses for developmental purposes.”
- Learning and Development Head,
Petronas Leadership Centre

“This has been a journey of discovery- breaking through self-limitations, enabling me to explore possibilities beyond what in. I also gained insights to what is appreciative leadership and how it differs from general leadership style.”
- Talent Transformation Manager APJ Sales Operations
Strategy & Planning, Hewlett Packard Asia Pacific

“Excellent course, practical knowledge and very experienced facilitator.”
- Senior Manager,
ST Electronics