HOW TO SET UP WINDOW CRONJOB - LARAVEL VERSION // 1) use notepad++ create bat file, example as below " cd c:\xampp\htdocs\revotech_crm C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12\php.exe artisan schedule:run 1>> NUL 2>&1 " 2) launch the task scheduler Windows Key + R then paste in Taskschd.msc and hit enter 3) click Create Basic Task on the right in the Actions pane. 4) Name your task something so you will know what it is for if you need to modify it or are running multiple projects then click Next. 5) Leave this page set to Daily for now and click Next. 6) Leave this page as defaults as well and click Next. 7) Make sure Start a Program is selected and click Next. 8) Browse to the batch file we just created and then click Next then click Finish. 9) Now, select Task Scheduler Library on the left, and find your task in the middle pane and right-click and click Properties 10) Go to the Triggers tab, click Daily in the list and click Edit. 11) The drop-down at the top next to Begin the task change to At Log on for Any user 12) Check the box that says Repeat Task Every and choose 5 Minutes from the drop-down. The drop-down after for a duration: on the same line choose Indefinitely. 13) Click OK. Done.